News archive2019
judge: Daiva Strepetkaite
Wesley champion class, excellent 2
Oreo junior class, excellent
Bakalia working class, excellent 1,CWC, Best working dog, BIS 2
Breeding competitions
Wesley - Best Stud Dog Club Retriever Show
Thank you daughters for proudly representing daddy (Zelda, Wiona, Wisky)
Wesley & Bakalia Best Couple II place
Wi-An-Wa-Best Breeding II place
Thank you to everyone who stayed with us till the end ❤️❤️❤️
Judge: Stefan Sinko
my dogs
Slav Trophy Menchester open class, excellent 2
Wesley Wi-An-Wa champion class, excellent 1 CAC, BOS, BOS
Bakalia Wi-An-Wa working class, excellent 1, CAC, BIS working 4
in friendly homes
Pixel Wi-An-Wa puppy class, very promising 1
Bailey Wi-An-Wa junior class, excellent 2
Don Pedro Wi-An-Wa junior class, excellent 1, Junior Winner
Lilu Wi-An-Wa, open class, excellent 3
Arwena Wi-An-Wa champion class, excellent 2
Thank you very much for a nice meeting and a wonderful Sunday
judge : Henrik Härling
Borys junior class very good
Sasza champion class excellent 3
Degra intermediate class excellent 2
dogs: Paula Edwards
females: Catherine Collins
Borys junior class excellent
Ignacy champion class, excellent 4
Wesley champion class, excellent 1, CAC
Sezam champion class, very good
Oreo minor puppy class , very promising, place 1
Best Minor Puppy
Ballada junior class, very good
Barcelona junior class, excellent
Malina junior class, very good
Fara intermediate class, excellent
Arwena open class, excellent
Lilu open class, excellent
Selena open class, very good
Impresja champion class, excellent
Roxana class of veterans, excellent 3
Wi-An-Wa breeding is the third Best Show Breeding
Wesley Best Stud Dog
News archive: 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010