Borys Wi-An-Wa
ur. 16.06.2018
— Reproduktor —
HD-A | ED 0/0 |serce w normie |oczy czyste
GR_PRA 1&2 wolny | ICT - nosiciel
Stanroph Snow Storm |
Stanroph So What Will Be |
Dreamylake Day And Night |
Stanroph So Let It Be | ||
Stanroph Silent Shakira |
Catcombe Cock A Doodle Doo | |
Stanroph Silent Witness | ||
Tramin Quiet Angel |
Baikal du Bois de la Rayere |
Taram du Bois de la Rayere |
Tommy Girl du Bois de la Rayere |
Tramin Veronika |
Robin Hood of Glen Sheallag |
Skandi Sanraiz Gracy Evelina |